Wednesday, August 19, 2009


On Saturday at 4 o'clock Discovery Health channel is showing an episode of Mystery Diagnosis. In this episode the little girl has Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Even though I have read everything I can get my hands on, I learned some things from this show. If you get the chance, watch it. It does a great job of capturing what the parents are going through and has some interesting details about the disease itself.

Clara Jean went to school for her second day today, yesterday was her first day. Each day she has only stayed for half the day and each day she has gone right to sleep when we got home. Her teacher, Mrs. Heep, tells me that she is doing well at school. She hasn't been emotional and I think that she really likes doing her work. The summer wasn't exactly filled with intellectual stimulation. Mrs. Heep also emailed to tell me that "The rest of the class just loves having her back. It is just the sweetest thing!!! This truly warms my heart. I have spent some serious time in prayer for Clara and the kids in her class. I have prayed that the kids would be happy to see her and not tease her because she has gained weight or because her hair looks a little funny. I was hopeful that at this age, they wouldn't really notice those things. And it looks like they haven't. Add another item to the list of answered prayers!

1 comment:

  1. I love to watch Mystery Diagnosis. If it is new, my DVR will record it. It is really great the way the show presents these illnesses. It really makes you feel sympathy for the patients and the doctors who can't figure the problem out.
    You are really blessed that your doctors figured this out so soon, and Clara didn't have to go through years of unnecessary tests and treatments. --Sharon
